How Hevasure uses data to inform active service interventions - white paper
We have launched a new white paper, written by Hevasure's MD, Steve Munn, exploring the use of data to inform active service interventions.
Download the white paper here.
The paper explores how Hevasure obtains data and makes the best use of it to identify
and prevent corrosion - through appropriate diagnosis of cause followed by effective and efficient
Introduction from the white paper:
"It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it that counts’’. Although not usually applied to the
modern data-driven world, this is an expression that retains much resonance today - after all, what
is the point of numbers if you can’t make effective use of them?
We are all gradually coming to terms with the myriad of data and information that monitoring and
Internet of Things (IoT) systems generate, realising the huge potential this technology offers.
Ultimately, it is all about making our lives easier, using data to help in the decision-making process
and reduce the overall cost of ownership. It should, most definitely, not be about sinking under a
sea of data.
Even today, too many organisations record key information on disparate sheets of paper which
make intelligent interpretation either time consuming or nigh on impossible.
Hevasure has been at the forefront of condition monitoring since its inception in 2014, leveraging
IoT technology to prevent corrosion in commercial heating and chilled water systems. Data,
obtained remotely and in real-time from a wide range of sensors, is used to inform us of corrosive
conditions and enable effective interventions while minimising the need for scheduled (and often
unnecessary) site visits.
To read the full paper, download it here.